Our Culture
Integrity is the common foundation of our business
Our top priority at Pfeiffer is to conduct our business according to high standards of ethics and integrity in our dealings with our employees, customers, business partners and shareholders. This means not only complying with the laws and regulations, but also setting a good example in the way we conduct our business and ourselves.
Integrity is the foundation of our business at Pfeiffer. Integrity is one of the core values of our Company. It is fundamental in establishing and building trust in our relationships with our business partners. Integrity is a prerequisite for our operational excellence and for our continued success as one of the world's leading suppliers to the vacuum industry.
We firmly believe that sustainable economic success is inextricably linked to complying with laws and with our internal standards. The success and reputation of the Pfeiffer Group depends to a large extent on our conduct. Each of us contributes to the success of the Company through our work.
The Pfeiffer Code of Conduct serves as a guideline for all business decisions. It is binding for all managers and employees and applies throughout the entire Group.
It may be supplemented by detailed operating regulations as long as they are in line with the principles set forth in this document. In the event of deviation, the stricter rule shall have precedence.
This enables foreign subsidiaries to pay tribute to local requirements when putting the Code of Conduct into practice, as long as the requirements are in line with the basic principles set forth in this document. National laws shall prevail if they are stricter.
The complete Code of Conduct can be downloaded here.
We at Pfeiffer stand by our values and adhere to applicable laws and regulations – we also expect the same from our suppliers. Based on our Code of Conduct, we have created our own Code of Conduct for Suppliers. This is binding for all our suppliers worldwide.